Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 21

Its my first day blogging, and my 21st day of my new diet.

Currently I'm trying to stay around 300-500 calories a day and working out about 1/2 times a week. But I'm trying to bring my workouts up!

High weight: 168lb (21 days ago)
Low weight: 134.5 (a longggg ass time ago)
Current weight: 151.75lb

Goal weight: 134.5
Ultimate goal weight: 120lb!!!

So today was a pretty basic day I ate:
1/8 c egg beaters: 15 cal
Corn Tortilla: 40 cal
Salsa: 5 cal
Bread: 45 cal
Mustard: 0
Turkey: 25
SMALL Caesar salad: 120

Total intake: 335 cal

Outtake: didn't REALLY do anything but I did do a ton of laundry and wore my rebok easy tones all day:) haha

Total: 335 cal

I've been trying to find good thinspo sites, I love the pictures and quotes of course, but I especially love the ones that give intake outtakes for ideas! Anyone know of any good sites?

Also I've set some small goals for myself and I'm trying to give myself (nonfood!) rewards. Such as when I get to 145 I gonna buy myself an appt to get my eyelashes dyed
140 = facial
135 = buying a swimsuit (and feeling GOOD about myself!)
130 = buying myself daisy dukes! I've always wanted to look hot in those.

Anyone have any other reward ideas?

So here is some thinspo I've collected for myself:

(hope it helps!)

This is what I wanna look like in Jean shorts by spring break! 

Sooo cute!

She's so tanned and toned, and perfect!

Her legs are perfect!

I love this swimsuit! Any ideas where its from? Pluss her stomach is awesome!

Honestly, which one would you rather be...?

I love how she's so tiny, but still is curvy.

I wanna wear this:(

Love this swimsuit too? Anyone know where to buy it?

Well that's it... let me know what you think! If I get a lot of comments I'll post again soon!

Much love and much luck
Starve on!

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    at first, my english is not so well, sorry for that. don`t give up, I have start a blog to and it has need a very long time, untell someone has found my blog and now I have every day 10 bloggers is not so much but i'm sure that will be more in any one time. mabey you ceck my blog out. it called livet lättare=leichter leben thanks for visiting
    xoxo Elena Ellen
